If you are not part of a Widow Connect Group, we encourage you to join a Widow Connect Group near you for support, friendship, and activities! Use the MAP to identify the Group closest to you. Scroll down on this page to find a Group and contact the Leader.
East Metro (Woodbury/Stillwater MN Area – Charlotte N’s Group):
This group is holding the following upcoming gatherings:
Monthly Meetings at Jerry’s Grocery in Woodbury on the 3rd Thursday of the month (3/20, 4/17) at 5:30pm
Contact the leader to get more information about this group and their events.
Click here to contact the Leader.
North-Central Metro (Blaine MN Area – Kathy S’s Group):
This group is holding the following upcoming gatherings:
Monthly Dinner at Panera in Coon Rapids (Riverdale) on 2nd Thursday of the month (3/13, 4/10) at 6pm.
Monthly Coffee at the Hy-Vee in Spring Lake Park (8155 Highway 65 NE) on the 4th Saturday of the month (3/22, 4/26) at 10am.
Contact the leader to get more information about this group and their events.
Click here to contact the Leader.
North-East Metro (White Bear Lake MN Area – Judy K’s Group):
This group is holding the following upcoming gatherings:
Dinner at Lunds-Byerlys (4630 Centerville Road, White Bear Lake) on last Sunday of the month (3/30, 4/27) from 5 to 6:30pm. No need to RSVP.
Contact the leader to get more information about this group and their events.
Click here to contact the Leader.
North-West Metro (Maple Grove MN Area – LuAnn G’s Group):
This group is holding the following upcoming gatherings:
Monthly Meetings at Kingdom Business in Maple Grove on the 1st Saturday of the month (4/5) at 9:30am.
Lunch and Bingo at Sarna’s Classic Grill 3939 University Ave NE in Columbia Heights on Saturday Mar 15th at Noon.
Contact the leader to get more information about this group and their events.
Click here to contact the Leader.
North Metro #1 (Big Lake MN Area – Krista S’s Group):
This group is holding the following upcoming gatherings:
Book Study at the Leaders Home on Mar 12th, Apr 2nd, and Apr 16th at 6:30pm
Supper at Chatters in Monticello on Mar 5th, Mar 26th, and Apr 23rd at 6pm
Game Night on Mar 19th at 6:30pm
Yoga Night on Apr 9th
Contact the leader to get more information about this group and their events.
Click here to contact the Leader.
North Metro #2 (Cambridge MN Area – Phyllis V’s Group):
This group is holding the following upcoming gatherings:
Monthly Meetings on the 2nd Saturday of the month at 10am at the East Terrace Coop in Cambridge.
Contact the leader to get more information about this group and their events.
Click here to contact the Leader.
St Cloud (St Cloud MN Area – Audrey T’s group):
This group is holding the following upcoming gatherings:
Monthly Meetings on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month at 1pm at Bethlehem Lutheran Church (4310 Co Rd 137) in St Cloud, MN in Magi Room
Contact the leader to get more information about this group and their events.
Click here to contact the Leader.
St Croix Valley (Osceola WI Area – Pat K’s group):
This group is holding the following upcoming gatherings:
Open Arms Dinner at the Alliance Church in St Croix Falls on Thurs (3/27, 4/24 at 5pm)
Lunch out on the first Sunday of the month (3/2, 4/6 at 1pm) at a restaurant in the St. Croix Valley area
Games on the third Sunday of the month (3/16 at 1pm) at Trinity Lutheran Church in Osceola
Last Wednesday Meal on the last Wednesday of the month (3/26, 4/30 at 5:30pm) at the Methodist Church in Osceola
The Lion, Witch, and Wardrobe at the Festival Theater in St Croix Falls on Sun Apr 27th at 2pm
Click here to contact the Leader.
South Metro (Burnsville MN Area – Mary N’s group):
This group is holding the following upcoming gatherings:
Monthly Meetings on the 2nd Tuesday of the month 6-8pm in the party room at Davanis at 1960 Cliff Lake Rd #118 in Eagan.
Contact the leader to get more information about this group.
Click here to contact the Leader.
West Metro (Minnetonka/Eden Prairie MN Area – Susan S’s Group):
This group is holding the following upcoming gatherings:
Monthly Zoom Meetings on the 1st Saturday morning of the month at 10:30am. Contact the coordinator to get the link to the zoom meetings.
Monthly In-Person Meetings in Minnetonka on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month from Noon to 2pm. Contact the coordinator to get the dates/locations and to RSVP.
Contact the leader to get more information about this group and their events.
Click here to contact the Leader.
Arizona (Mesa AZ Area – Kathi M’s Group):
This group is holding the following upcoming gatherings:
Monthly meetings on the 1st Wednesday of the month 4-6pm MT (3/5, 4/2) at Red Mountain Community Church (6101 E Virginia Ave Mesa AZ) in room G10.
Contact the leader to get more information about this group and their events.
Click here to contact the Leader.
Iowa (Logan IA Area – Chrystal R’s Group):
This group is holding the following upcoming gatherings:
Monthly meetings on the 2nd Saturday of the month at 9am at Rise & Grind in Missouri Valley, Iowa.
Contact the leader to get more information about this group and their events.
Click here to contact the Leader.
Online (For anyone who doesn’t have an in-person group near them – Ann S’s Group):
This group is holding the following upcoming gatherings:
Monthly meetings on the 3rd Thursday of the month from 6:30 to 7:30pm CT
Contact the leader to get the zoom link.
Click here to contact the Leader.