Ginger Ewing works as a financial professional in the Twin Cities. She received her undergraduate degree in Music Business from the University of Miami, FL, and graduated valedictorian of her class at William Mitchell College of Law.
Through her work, Ginger has had the opportunity to meet women who have lost their husbands, and she has observed how a woman’s transition through widowhood is tragic in so many ways. It has been a dream of hers for a number of years to begin a ministry that can holistically address the needs and profound loneliness of widows. She has also seen widows connect in a very “magical” way with each other and wants to be able to help provide an outlet to those in need.
She is a member of the Board of Directors of University of Northwestern, Saint Paul.
Ginger and her husband Heath have six children, three biological and three through adoption: Becca, Amelia, Daniel, Zach, Charlie, and Evie. Both Ginger and Heath volunteer on their church’s worship team.